All Together Now, In the Holomovement


by Jill Robinson

What an extraordinary time to be alive. We’re facing unprecedented challenges and life-changing crises, and yet, we’re awakening to the infinite creativity and abundance of our Universe. But shifting the ideals of possibility into solutions serving the good of people and our planetary ecosystem is slow and difficult work. 

Even though we are digitally more connected than ever, our global transformation requires a cooperative, dynamic network stretching out beyond our current silos of interest groups and individual efforts. As the theme for the 2024 Sedona Yoga Festival affirms, we are “All Together Now,” and this requires a narrative and purposeful action bridging religions, race, nationality and cultural values. 

A movement of this magnitude needs a name to rally around, one we’re calling the Holomovement. More than a catchy name, the Holomovement is igniting a critical mass of individuals and groups to activate their purpose through inspired collaborative action. Guided by science and spirituality, this unifying initiative is catalyzing a massive shift in global consciousness to serve the good of the whole.

In Flow With Divine Source and Self

There’s an exciting overlap between Yoga Philosophy and Quantum Physics underpinning the Holomovement’s unifying principles. Both perspectives understand the value in deepening our connections to self, Divine Source and our communities to truly change the world. 

Emanuel Kuntzelman, the visionary behind this social movement and co-editor to the 2023 anthology “The Holomovement; Embracing Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity,” first came across the term nearly 40 years ago. It was while reading “Wholeness and the Implicate Order” by American physicist David Bohm, that he stumbled on the word ‘holomovement’ describing the universe as an unbroken wholeness of the totality of existence: an undivided, flowing movement without borders. 

Bohm explained that at the core of our universe is the implicate order, the field of consciousness and Source that creates our world. The physical manifestation of how we perceive the universe is the explicate order. The holomovement is what weaves the two together. 

For Emanuel, “it was the most beautiful concept I had come across in describing the oneness of consciousness.” In today’s context, it can be seen as both a spiritual calling and a sociological branding for a “movement of movements” to resolve our planetary crisis. 

Putting Our Practice into Purposeful Action

We each play a critical role in building this transformative momentum. It’s why we are thrilled to be the primary sponsors and active participants of the SYF 2024. Yoga connects us to our deeper purpose in serving the greater good, and the Holomovement offers a community space where we can put this crucial inner work into social action.Throughout the Festival, we’ll be moving beyond the transactional nature of relationships and embodying the transformative power of deep human connection. 

It all starts with one person, one exchange, one act of generosity and service to set into motion a ripple effect of transformation. Can you imagine the beauty and wonder and feeling of flow that we could experience if nearly 8 billion people, acting with compassion and purpose, moved together in phase for the good of the whole? 

This is the vision that inspires the Holomovement Theory of Change. We’re getting lonely in our separation ideology, and yearning for a collaborative and supportive community that spans diverse sectors and initiatives. The Holomovement, and specifically the self-organizing groups we call Holons, offer a way to put our practice into action within an organic and dynamic social ecosystem. 

Holons as they apply to physics are simultaneously both individual parts as well as the whole itself, much like a holographic image. The undivided wholeness of the universe is made of holons. Taking inspiration from the Cosmos, we envision Holons engaged in specific projects and themes within the unifying principles of the Holomovement. These groups of at least 3 people have the potential to grow and network, activating a critical mass of positive change. 

As political scientist Erica Chenoweth said; “No movement that mobilized 3.5% of the population has ever failed.” That’s 280 million people on the planet we need to engage to activate the holo-field with joyous unified action. 

There’s incredible potential for Holons to take shape during the SYF. The Holomovement will be offering opportunities to explore our yogic archetype, and ways to apply this to emerging or connecting Holon groups within the Yoga community.

Activating Sacred Connections in Sedona

The alignment between the Sedona Yoga Festival and the Holomovement is extraordinary. Sedona holds a sacred place within the hearts of so many of the Holomovement’s stewards, and the mission of the SYF to hold space for “a journey of self-discovery and community connection” creates fertile ground for the radical collaboration and purposeful action the Holomovement is catalyzing. 

We’re excited to be in conversation with practitioners on how they can joyfully participate in collective change using their unique gifts and the unifying values of the Holomovement. Holomovement stewards, including Emanuel Kuntzelman, will share more about this transformative worldview during mainstage events and we’ll be engaging in conscious conversations throughout the Festival to learn from and share with all the attendees. 

What an inspiring setting and community to activate purposeful, loving action to change the world. We look forward to seeing you in Sedona! 


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