Immersions on the Red Rocks: Go Deep at SYF2025
You’ve heard of the Sedona’s sacred landscape — experience spiritual healing and inspiration at SYF with an Immersion on the red rocks.
Ayurveda as Integrated Healing for Wholeness
SYF presenter Vaidya. Jayarajan Kodikannath explains why the ancient teachings of Ayurveda lead us to, and support, true interconnectedness.
20 Minutes with SYF Photographer Ty Dobbs
Longtime SYF Photographer Ty Dobbs captures the essence of SYF — and the energy of yoga — with love, care, and extraordinary talent.
Social Action Empowered by Interconnectedness
How can science support global transformation through the recognition of our interconnectedness? Read on and then join us at SYF to learn!
Relationships As Health: Ayurveda’s Healing Power with Insiya Rasiwala-Finn
SYF Presenter Insiya Rasiwala-Finn shares how the elemental forces within us all form relationships with all that is.
Ayurveda and Quantum Physics: An Unexpected Pairing for Personal and Social Transformation
It may seem that ancient yogic philosophy and modern science are disparate — but not so. Read on for their powerful intersection!
Vedic and Western Astrology: Our Life in the Stars with Dennis M. Harness, Ph. D.
Dennis Harness, Ph.D. breaks down some of the similarities and differences in Western and Vedic astrology. Learn from him at SYF this March!
A New Paradigm for Healing Through the Power of Ritual with Dr. Monisha Bhanote
SYF2024 presenter Dr. Monisha Bhanote shares how ritual can be a powerful tool in the journey of personal holistic healing.
Why Co-Creation is Key to Personal, Community and Global Change
As Erica Chenoweth said; “No movement that mobilized 3.5% of the population has ever failed.” How can we come together to create change?
Anahata Ananda: Shamanic Healing Arts for Transformation
Life is not without pain. Shamanic healing arts, like those facilitated by SYF Presenter Anahata Ananda, can empower and transform.
Use Your Practice to Inspire Community Action With a Holon
Ready to make real change in the world? Meet and build your Holon — a group aligned in service — at SYF2024!
Community as a Practice: An Excerpt from Jivana Heyman’s New Book
Community isn’t just about coming together. It’s about cultivating the sensation of support and a welcoming environment for all.
Use the Solstice to Align to Your Inner Truth
The winter solstice ushers in not just the return of the light, but the beginning of an inward journey to find your inner truth.
All Together Now, In the Holomovement
The Holomovement is a nascent movement that offers a way to put practice into action within a dynamic social ecosystem. Learn more at SYF!
Your Mindful Giving Guide for This Holiday Season
Looking for a gift to share with the conscious seeker in your life? Simply sign up for our email to receive our free Giving Guide!
Complement Your Practice With Authentic Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a holistic system that seeks to holistically balance mind and body. Learn more at the Sedona Yoga Festival with Kerala Ayurveda!
Go On Retreat, Help Heal the World with Soul Community Planet
Soul Community Planet is on a mission to offer authentic mindfulness adventure in the context of true sustainability. It’s working so far.
Ground Into Your Practice, Anywhere, With The Root Board®
The Root Board® is a revolutionary product that allows you to take the stability of the yoga studio with you anywhere for asana.
All Together Now: The Power of Intentional Community
The theme for SYF2024 is All Together Now, as we continue to explore what it means to be in collective evolution and consciousness raising.
What Yoga Teaches Us About Balance
The autumnal equinox is upon us. What does yoga teach us about finding balance, and what does it mean, both in asana and beyond?
A Yoga Hug to Midline — The Foundation for Asana
SYF2023 presenter Donna Schnoor shares how and why the midline of the body is such an important foundation for functional asana.