Anahata Ananda: Shamanic Healing Arts for Transformation


We’ve all felt stuck in a rut in our lives. Most of us have experienced imposter syndrome, or persistent sadness, or a general feeling that we’re not necessarily walking the path of our soul — that we’re not, in more Vedic terms, living our dharma. It is never the wrong time to address these conflicting feelings, and to give credence to our deep personal truths. For Anahata Ananda, this moment came for her two decades ago, in her own “dark night of the soul,” as she calls it. She was going through what she now calls a “marital liberation” (also known as divorce), and “it was a big shock to my system,” she says. “There was a lot of grief. There was a lot of rage and pain; not only from that experience, but other things in my childhood, upbringing, youth, or young adulthood that never got processed properly.” 

A Personal Journey of Healing

Anahata began a healing journey to address these problematic distortions, but looking back, recognizes that she was scraping together her process: reading various books, visiting various wellness centers, going to counseling. “It was not really working for me,” she says. “None of these were getting at the real core of the issues. They weren’t providing me different tools that I could shift the pain into purpose, and get myself out of survival mode to learn how to reclaim my power, how to clearly communicate, and how to set boundaries.”

This frustration set her on the path of shamanic exploration and learning, and ultimately would become the foundation for Shine Sedona — a Sanctuary for the Soul. Shine is a unique center that provides a welcoming and nourishing community to support core-healing, personal growth, and heart-awakening through the offerings of world-class Healers and Facilitators. For Anahata, shamanic modalities “helped me release my rage, release grief, open my heart, and see my part in my pain,” she says. 

The Development of Shamangelic Offerings

Anahata’s signature Shamangelic breathwork, healing sessions, and other services encapsulate the essence of what she offers. “The shaman is not afraid to go and look and see where the density is, where the shadow is, or where the pain is. And I’m not afraid to do that. The angelic part is doing that with kindness, compassion, and tenderness by alchemizing the shadow work and the spiritual work,” she says. 

Anahata tailors her services to exactly what someone needs, and then makes sure to be of support for what is released. “There’s time to support somebody’s rage, as well as time to just hold them in their tears and their sadness, and to create a safe, soft space.” The healing comes when, after experiencing this support, a person is able to step into their true power and facilitate their own healing. 

Given the sacred, sensitive nature of this work one may expect that they’d need to work with Anahata for an extended period of time to receive the full effect, but she believes in facilitating efficiently. “I know that there is a sense of urgency to get at these things because until they are resolved or shifted or healed or released or realigned, they’re going to continue to create chaos physically, emotionally, energetically, mentally, and spiritually,” she says. “The ability to help someone expedite that process is really powerful.”

The Journey to Get Here

Anahata has been working in the healing arts for over two decades, and has trained in several different modalities. Part of what she now offers are trainings so that she may pass on to others what she has learned. Her training courses help people amplify and refine their skillset, build confidence and abilities, and provides tools that fit seamlessly with people’s unique natural gifts. “It really lights me up to be the healer’s coach, teacher, and guide,” she says. 

In the same way that Anahata offers uniquely-tailored training for one-on-one seekers, there is a wide range of programming and learning opportunities offered at Shine. They do grief journeys, womb healing blessings, land journeys, private sound healings, among other things, as well as host retreats of all stripes. 

You can get a taste of what Anahata offers by joining her at the Sedona Yoga Festival this March 14–17! Passes available here.


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