Denise Thompson



Meet Denise Thompson, aka Yogirunner, Teacher and Vice President of Group Fitness at Mountainside Fitness

We recently chatted with yogi, teacher and corporate exec, Denise Thompson – AKA Yogirunner, to find out just how she keeps it all together in a fast-paced life…
SOCIAL MEDIA: Find me as Yogirunner on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!
PINTEREST: Yogirunner
Occupation: Vice President of Group Fitness – Mountainside Fitness & Fit Republic
Hometown: Santa Fe, NM
Current Town: Phoenix, AZ

Where has yoga taken you?

Yoga has taken me to the real me! I finally realize, understand, accept and appreciate exactly who I am. I honor and respect that person.

What are the 4 most pivotal occasions in your career both in and outside of Yoga?

  1. Jumping from Corporate Wellness to Pharmaceutical Sales (chasing the almighty dollar)
  2. Realizing it was more important to do what I love than focusing on the dollar – LEAVING pharma sales
  3. Moving from a fitness focus to a Mind/Body focus
  4. Making Yoga part of my personal and professional life.

What do you never leave the house without?

I never leave the house without my phone and my Yoga mat.

Where are your favorite places to experience?

Sedona and Kauai are among my two favorite spots on this earth.

 What are the first three words that come to your mind when someone says: “grounded” or “connected?”

Truth, Consciousness, One

Denise Thompson upside down buddhaWe want to know what your typical morning looks like! What does your daily practice look like?

I wake up at 5A everyday. I grab a cup of coffee and check email/social media. By 5:45A I start my daily practice in my Buddha Lounge. I get the kids up at 6:45A, make breakfast and have them to school by 8A. My workday THEN begins.

What is one mantra that is like a remedy for your soul?

To Thine Own Self Be True

How do you channel your inner 5 year old?

I dance, sing, run and practice Yoga with my children ages 6 and 11.

Tell us one fun fact about yourself.

I am incredibly Type A and a Black and White thinker. Yoga has opened the door to shades of gray.

What is your favorite pose to teach in your classes? And why?

I love teaching Bakasana. It brings me so much joy to witness people putting trust in themselves and learning to fly. It’s like witnessing a toddler walk for the first time.

If you’re not on a yoga mat, where can we find you?

Running! That’s why they call me YogiRunner.




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