2014 Sedona Yoga Festival Gives Back


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Mindful Therapeutic Yoga Practices for Veterans

Brought to you by the Give Back Yoga Foundation and Sedona Yoga Festival, Corp. in association with Southwest Institute of Healing Arts
2-Day Intensive Training for Yoga Teachers

$495 tuition – includes complimentary Saturday and Sunday Pass to Sedona Yoga Festival (a $397 value!)

February 6-7, 2014
Sedona |Arizona |USA

Arrive at Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Road, Sedona, AZ at 7am on Thursday, February 6 for breakfast welcome. Classes will run through 6pm and lunch is served. There is a complimentary Kirtan with Michael Kolasa on Thursday evening. Sessions will end on Friday at 6:30pm with a closing circle guided by Rama Jyoti Vernon. Namaste.

Teaching Yoga Teachers to Work with Veterans

At SYF2014, in collaboration with the Give Back Yoga Foundation, we are offering SYF Gives Back 2014 – Mindful Therapeutic Yoga Practices for Veterans, a 2-Day Pre-Conference intensive training for yoga teachers. This training will provide participants with specific tools and practices developed through clinical experience working with veterans coping with post-traumatic stress and other psycho-emotional stress. While benefiting trauma patients safely and comfortably, the training can be helpful for yoga teachers working with anyone dealing with stress and other psychological difficulties.


The Sedona Yoga Festival and the Give Back Yoga Foundation have assembled a faculty of leading experts for this training, all who have been working continuously for years with veterans in their recovery process from post-traumatic stress. Participants are offered complimentary access to the Sedona Yoga Festival on Friday night, Saturday and Sunday, as well as post-conference offerings to help build networks and strategies for bringing back out into the world that which was realized at this inspiring and transformative event. This training will be held at the beautiful Sedona Creative Life Center and will serve high vibe, organic, farm to table cuisine for breakfast and lunch. Chef Chris Holden’s food will provide you all the sustenance you need to manage this huge offering, and is included with registration.


BerylcroppedheadshotSMBeryl Bender Birch of The Hard & The Soft Yoga Institute– 2 hours- Restoring Balance after Trauma: Using Yoga Methodology to Help in the Treatment of PTS and mTBI

Approximately 25-35% of the 2.5 million veterans returning from combat in Iraq or Afghanistan are diagnosed with post-traumatic stress (PTS) or other anxiety disorders. They are struggling to cope with symptoms that can be severe and radically disruptive to daily civilian life, and are looking for help.  In response to this overwhelming need, the spectrum of yoga practices is emerging as a leader among viable treatment options.

Beryl Bender Birch, a pioneer since 9/11 in the use of yoga methodology for those suffering with the aftereffects of trauma, guides us in this unique experiential and educational workshop, as we practice and discuss how various yoga techniques, such as movement, breathing, yoga nidra, and meditation, can be integrated into the treatment of PTSD.  Since no one protocol or technique works for everyone in the same way, it is important as teachers that we develop our own intuitive skills through mindfulness to discern which aspects of the wide ranging yoga methodologies can be most effective in any one circumstance, and how we can appropriately offer them as adjunctive and complimentary therapies in an integrative medical approach.

Manafort Suzanne WebSuzanne Manafort of Mindful Yoga Therapy for Veterans– 2 hours- Mindful Yoga Therapy

The “Tool Box” in the Mindful Yoga Therapy protocol will be presented along with the special considerations in holding space in trauma related settings.  This 12-week program has been clinically tested in several VA programs and is to be applied in a university setting this year. It is based on several years of work with veterans with Post Traumatic Stress in both residential treatment programs and outpatient programs. It incorporates asana, meditation, pranayama, and yoga nidra. While we know the practice of yoga works, some practices work better for some people than others.  With this in mind, we present these practices as a Tool Box that contains a set of individual tools.  The students are given these practices or tools one at a time and encouraged to try them and use them on their own.  They are reminded that the practices will help them in times of anxiety and stress.

sheila-magalhaes-232x300Sheila Magalhaes 2 hours- Asana in Mindful Yoga Therapy Setting

Learn how to choose appropriate postures and their alternatives, cultivating acceptance, supports and safety in working with veterans.  Movement connected with breath is intrinsic to helping to bring veterans back into their body and move trauma out of their body, mind and spirit.  For this reason, we spend a lot of time talking about the inhale and exhale in each posture. This insures that they are moving with breath and not holding their breath. It’s an important reminder. The coordination of breath and movement brings profound focus to the practice and increases the benefits of the yoga posture and movements.  Included in the exploration will be a focus on creating safety, predictability and control for veterans in the classroom; setting up the room, offering guidance and verbal assists, and developing healthy boundaries for yourself and your students over time. The workshop will be experiential with discussion and practice.

Ann-RichardsonAnn Richardson of Studio Bamboo Institute of Yoga– 2 hours- Opening Yoga to Every Body

Providing a variety of tools, discussion, and asana with modifications to open yoga to Every Body, participants will address special needs of injured, ill, or wounded servicemen and veterans.  Pain relief, phantom pains, stress reduction, PTSD, body alignment, balance, re-building confidence, safety, and learning how to make the mind body connection after injury will be addressed. Students will explore universal principles that can be shared with people regardless of their level of ability/disability, including those living with paralysis, amputees, neurological conditions, PTSD, orthopedic injury or those confined to a wheelchair.

Boulder colorJames Fox and Kelly Boys of  Prison Yoga Project – 2 hours- Incarcerated Veterans Taking Healing Into Their Own Hands

This session draws on James Fox’s experience of teaching yoga and mindfulness meditation to incarcerated veterans, youth, and adults, including eleven years at San Quentin State Prison. An estimated 10% of the 2.25 million incarcerated adults in the U.S. are veterans.  Incarcerated veterans with unresolved trauma-related issues face further challenges of living in the  traumatic conditions of prison.  Learn about the services the Prison Yoga Project is offering incarcerated veterans at San Quentin through its yoga program as a complement to the cognitive behavioral group processing the men are engaged in to address the psychological, emotional and ethical issues related to their active duty in the military. The program seeks to share its healing work with veterans on the outside.

Gina Garcia

Gina Garcia of Yoga Across America –2 hours- Serving Others and Serving Yourself

In this workshop, you will be empowered to serve people from all walks of life, including yourself. You will learn basic tools to use in your path of service. Whether you are sharing yoga with veterans, high school students, cancer survivors, or anywhere else, you will learn how to connect and share this practice in a whole new way. You will acquire skills to self soothe, relax, restore and nurture yourself.  You will also explore practical, inexpensive skills that you can use anywhere and everywhere to take care of yourself and others.

Chris EderChris Eder  -1 hour – Understanding and Working In The Military Culture

MSgt Chris Eder is a certified Vinyasa/Hatha Interdisciplinary Yoga Instructor. His yoga journey began in 1999 after he encountered the joys of a pinched sciatic nerve, and a diagnosis of Adult ADD. A friend introduced him to yoga as an alternative to pain pills and other meds.

During a 2007 deployment to Baghdad Iraq with the Air Force, Chris began teaching a morning sunrise yoga class five days a week. Upon returning to Italy for his follow-up assignment, Chris began teaching Vinyasa & Hatha inspired classes. He also taught yoga to Wounded Warriors returning from combat action as part of the Warrior Resiliency Program.

Chris is a 23-year Air Force veteran, serving since August 1990. When not teaching yoga, he is teaching aspiring military broadcast journalists.

Pamela Stokes Eggleston – Military Families Serve Too


Military spouses and families often rely on each other for support and empowerment. This has never been more prevalent than during the last eleven years with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As military spouses become head of households when their service members are deployed, sometimes multiple times, they and other military family members are compelled to be resilient at all times. But where does the stress go? To alleviate and lessen anxiety and trauma, military families can learn how to use their bodies as a resource during these trying times. Connecting with the breath and the present moment is critical with the military and veteran population; their spouses and families are no different. That’s why military and veteran-centered yoga programs are so vital, and can be tailored to meet the needs of military and veteran families. This workshop will discuss the needs of this often overlooked population and strategies to help them.


Kelly Boys – Introduction to iRest yoga nidra meditation for veterans with trauma

kboysIntegrative Restoration – iRest Yoga Nidra is a transformative practice derived from the ancient teaching of tantric yoga that leads to psychological, physical, and spiritual health and well-being. It is the result of over twenty-six years of observation, research and hands-on development by Dr. Richard Miller and associates. Research trends indicate that iRest effectively alleviates PTSD, insomnia, anxiety, chronic pain, depression and chemical dependency. The iRest protocol has been effectively delivered to active duty military and combat veterans, chronic pain sufferers, the homeless, the incarcerated, health care givers and other special interest groups.


Jeff Masters of Thunder Mountain Wellness – The Physiology of Samskaras: Tissue Memory and Yoga Therapy

jeff_mastersSam?ska?ras are powerful forces that influence the shape and color of our perception of reality. In this session we will explore the capacity our body has to perceive, receive, carry and store Sam?ska?ras and how these impressions are embedded at multiple levels within the different koshas.

Together we will explore current research supporting the physical correlates of the various kosha that allow for sam?ska?ric transference and practice techniques for engaging each sheath to become aware of, process and ultimately release these deeply held patterns.


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SYF2014 Fundraising for GBYF

Giving for Cause ~ Yoga for Veterans

See Our Fundraising Page at crowdrise.com

Their goal is to place 10,000 Yoga For Veterans Toolkits (developed by expert teachers with years of experience in working with Veterans) into the hands of our brothers and sisters affected by post-traumatic stress syndrome, traumatic brain injury, and other stress related illnesses this year.  We thought we might be able to help out… This will jumpstart GBYF in 2014 and expand exponentially the services to Veterans in years to come.” Marc Titus, Founder & Director, Sedona Yoga Festival”

Please check out our fundraiser on CrowdRise and help us raise money for to get Veterans the resources they NEED to HEAL!

Fundraising at crowdrise.com will be open through the Festival in February 2014.

Be a Fundraising Partner

How to be a fundraising partner

  1. Click this link to Create your Fundraising Team Page at Crowdrise.com…
  2. To setup a TEAM PAGE, create your crowdrise.com account with an email (ie.  info@yourstudio.com, studio@yourstudio.com) because next you will want to create a personal account and join your studio team… Just put your team name in the First and Last Name Fields when asked…  It’s actually really simple, and only takes a few minutes!  Crowdrise.com has made it really fun, too!
  3. Click SETUP YOUR FUNDRAISER button underneath the orange DONATE button…
  4. Next window popup, click START YOUR OWN FUNDRAISER
  5. Name your Fundraiser, aka your Studio Team Page), pick a URL if you like, set a goal and a enter a few words about your studio supporting SYF Gives Back 2014, Mindful Therapeutic Yoga Practices for Veterans Teacher Training Intensive at the 2nd Annual Sedona Yoga Festival, a consciousness evolution conference. February 6-7, 2014.
  6. click NEXT STEP
  7. Upload an image or logo…
  8. That’s it!  You now have a TEAM FUNDRAISING PAGE…  you can play around with the settings, descriptions, add photos, etc… Sweet!  (and isn’t it cool that that is step number 8!  the infinite… 🙂 )
  9. Now, Logout of your team page and account.
  10. Navigate to your page in crowdrise… Search for your fundraiser in the search feature at top of website if need be…when found, scroll down and JOIN TEAM… should be in red letters somewhere on the right.
  11. Now you can create your personal account by logging in with Facebook or a personal email address… and build up your PERSONAL PERSONAL FUNDRAISER page with photos, videos, inspirations etc…Your all set!!  Now we just get the word out there and allow people to donate to support Give Back Yoga Foundation and Sedona Yoga Festival Corp’s Yoga For Veterans at SYF2014!

Please encourage your students and friends to fundraise and participate, perhaps offering benefit classes, and information on Give Back Yoga Foundation and the Sedona Yoga Festival as often as possible!  When we all Give Back, we can make a huge difference.


Looking for information on Scholarships for the training? Click here…



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