Immersions on the Red Rocks: Go Deep at SYF2025


Lead image by Danielle Holman; words by Lisette Cheresson

If you’ve been to SYF, you know that a large bit of the magic — the sensation of something awakening in your soul, drawing you closer to not only the divine but your personal divine purpose — is augmented by the fact that we’re here, in the energetic vortexes of Sedona. It’s said that the iron in the red rocks interacts with our bodies in ways that actually increase our energy; there’s proposed science behind the idea. While the red rocks were sacred to the Yavapai-Apache nation, according to Visit Sedona, the existence of electromagnetic vortexes was proposed and popularized in the 1970s by spiritual seekers and settlers to the area. 

If you’re skeptical about the power of electromagnetic energy influencing your soul, there’s another explanation as to why Sedona feels so special. According to past SYF presenter Pete Sanders, speaking to Visit Sedona

“Sanders explains that the neuro-stimulating red rocks enhances creative thinking and problem solving; the green cacti, agave and pines provoke a sense of hope and renewal; and the vast blue skies and winding creeks of the region incites a soothing feeling of serenity and purpose.”

Whatever the science, we can speak from experience that something intensely spiritual happens out on those red rocks — particularly when we bring our practice and our prayers. It’s why a Sedona Yoga Festival On-the-Land Immersion is so powerful. 

We’re excited to announce that all 2025 Immersions will this year take place out on those sacred rocks, led by local Sedona guides. Immersions are deep-dive workshops and experiences facilitated by leaders who help you tap into the wisdom, personal truth, and healing power of specific aspects of yoga. You told us after our 2024 event that being on the land truly augmented this learning — your feedback is not only appreciated, but implemented.

We want you to experience just how nourishing an Immersion on the red rocks can be, so we’re reserving the Thursday and Monday around the festival for these special events. Be sure to add an extra day to your trip when you’re planning! Programming specifics and teachers will be available soon, but festival passes are available now. Learn more and register here


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