10 Years of SYF with Crisanto Santa Ana & Alan Alcid

10 Years of SYF with Crisanto Santa Ana & Alan Alcid

It’s been a decade of transformation and purposeful gathering at the Sedona Yoga Festival! This April 27–30 marks our 10-year anniversary celebration. As we look toward the event and the incredible offerings we have lined up, we’re pausing in gratitude to explore how we got here, and honoring the people who have made SYF so special over the years. We caught up with Crisanto Santa Ana and Alan Alcid to share some of their experience.

Crisanto and Alan are not only presenters, but also have captured the spirit of SYF over the years in photos and videos. Over the years they have not only helped create the energy of the event with their offerings, but have told the story of the Conference as it has evolved.

What is your history with SYF?

Crisanto: I’ve been involved with the Sedona Yoga Festival since 2014.  I’ve been mostly a presenter. I DJ’ed yoga classes for world renowned teachers at Sedona Yoga Festival, dance parties, and concerts. Throughout the years I’ve also created many of SYFY’s promo videos as I am also a filmmaker.

Alan: I started as an attendee. I volunteered some work and, there’s only one word that sums up everything in my experience: synchronicity. I was a photographer for quite some time, and I love it. And now I’m a presenter. I have so much gratitude to [SYF Producer] Heather for trusting me as a photographer, trusting me now as a presenter, and also for giving me an opportunity as a new teacher when I first started. Also for opening this festival to all genders, all races, and really being authentic in her vision to to give everyone an opportunity to share the love of yoga! That’s so needed at this moment in time and what’s going on in our world.

What is a standout SYF moment — teaching, experiential, or both?

Crisanto: There are many standout moments at SYF however, one experience I recall was when they brought out Tao Porchon-Lynch to teach. She even did a salsa dance performance at one of the concerts.

Alan: The festival has evolved so much. One thing that really allows for people to have a truly profound experience is the unity. The unity of the team, but also the students, the presenters, the artists, everyone and the Sedona Yoga Festival. Being one collective — doesn’t matter what gender, where you came from, new students, old teachers, new teachers. But just being one in this festival is so profound to see that and experience it.

What makes SYF different from other festivals that you have attended or worked?

Crisanto: SYF is truly an epic experience. I love how it takes place in the magical vortexes of Sedona. The teachers that they invite are truly amazing!

Alan: The 2022 Sedona Yoga Festival was a huge turnaround, a huge shift, a significant shift, and it was amazing. Heather put together a team that opened up new possibilities to really shift, open up, and change what a festival is and could be. And I’m so looking forward to Sedona Yoga Festival 2023, “Emerge to Imagine.”

SYF has long been at the forefront of conversations that move our community forward. In what ways have you experienced this?

Crisanto: The programs, classes, teachers they have are IMO cutting edge, progressive and really provokes our community to move forward. I’ve experienced this by taking classes at SYF and also being part of the team.

Alan: Being one collective — doesn’t matter what gender, where you came from, new students, old teachers, new teachers. But just being one in this festival is so profound to see that and experience it.

Why are you proud to be a part of SYF, both over the years and during the 2023 event?

Crisanto: I am proud to be part of SYF! Heather and her team always brings a transformational experience not only to the attendees but to her team as well! I am very much proud to be part of 2023 SYF!

Alan: I’m proud to be part of the Sedona Yoga Festival over the years because over the years I saw the growth and the changes. We’ve learned so much from the past and we moved forward to the future. It’s an amazing experience overall to see how everyone works hard behind the scene. Prior to the festival, there’s already things going back and forth — from the SYF Angels, to the organizers behind the scene, to the presenters, to the artists. So much collaboration going on, and it’s a beautiful thing to see.

Join us for our 10-year anniversary celebration April 27–30! Tickets on sale now


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