Blast from the Past, Paving the way to the 2016 Sedona Yoga Festival

Blast from the Past, Paving the way to the 2016 Sedona Yoga Festival

Marc and Heather Pondering

That’s us… Pondering… Well, I am Pondering, Heather is looking cool. On our way to another EPICasana experience at SYF2016!

Every year, as we deepen the experience of the Sedona Yoga Festival, there comes that time when we sit and ponder how it all began and where we are today.  SYF has become an event not to miss; it has marked the transformation of many a yogi these past 3 years.  In the beginning we saw an epic experience, situated in the Heart of Sedona, AZ that cradled the participant in the healing energetics and allowed for a truly transformative experience. Well, the Sedona Yoga Festival has become that and much, much more. 

The 2016 Sedona Yoga Festival is rapidly becoming THE yoga festival to attend next year. Whether you have never done yoga or you have practiced meditation and asana your whole life, there will be something for YOU!  Save the Dates and/or get your tickets at Early-Bird Pricing now because you will not want to miss out on this. Some big announcements are coming shortly, but for now, just cruise through the website to see what is coming so far… We have added little bits and pieces, so you yogi sleuths out there can start to imagine just how awesomenasana SYF2016 is shaping up to be.

We’ll leave you with a big blast from the past; Yogini Silvia Mordini honors us with her experience of the inaugural SYF2013.  See ya in the ethers, dear friends.

Marc & Heather

First Penguins at Sedona Yoga Festival

February 8, 2013. Feels a little bit like the first day at a brand new school. Starting today, I am presenting at the Sedona Yoga Festival to a whole new group of yogis. It is my first time teaching in Arizona (although I’ve taken many a workshop/training here in my Anusara days).

As always before teaching, my thoughts turn to how will I best touch the hearts and minds of my students.  What will they think? Will they understand me? Regardless of your experience, Yoga Teachers still get nervous. I may have over 11,000 hours of teaching experience but today will be my first hour in the teacher’s seat at this first ever Festival!

One of my biggest strengths is my humanness. After leading 15 RYT200 Teacher Trainings, I work hard to keep myself off the pedestal and keep things real. I am imperfect, fallible, sometimes quirky, certainly silly, and a bit earnest when it comes to manifesting happiness. Being born in Ecuador to an Italian father and Ecuadorian mother only adds to my uniqueness.

yoga2If you know anyone in Sedona coming to the festival, applaud them! They—like me—are First Penguins. The first penguin is a term coined by the late Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch who offered his last lecture there when he was dying of cancer. Here is one of his key pieces of advice: Be the first penguin.  “I encouraged students to attempt hard things and not to worry about failing…failure is not just acceptable, it’s often essential.”

Pausch rewarded his students who took the biggest risk with a stuffed penguin representing how when a group of penguins takes to the water, one of them has to take the FIRST plunge.  If that penguin survives in the potentially predator filled, dangerous water, then the other penguins follow.

I am grateful to everyone involved with Sedona Yoga Festival. It is heroic to manifest—from nothing—an entire yoga festival, replete with teachers, searchers and healers from all over the world. To every single attendee, presenter, volunteer, and staff, I present you the First Penguin Award!  Thank You Silvia!!!

You are magnificent and your courage to jump into the water not knowing what will happen is inspiring. And that is why I am proud to be involved—even if I am also a bit nervous.

To those who are considering doing something that really scares you this year, be encouraged.  Manifest your biggest dream! The world needs more First Penguins in yoga, in art, in science, in relationships, in life.  Love yourself, love your day, love your life! Silvia


ABOUT SILVIA MORDINI, Happiness Coach, Yogipreneur, lululemon ambassador, manduka ambassador

Enthusiasm to love your life is contagious around Silvia.  Her expert passion connects people to their own joyful potential.  Silvia lives her happiness in such a big way that you can’t help but leave her classes, workshops, trainings and retreats spiritually uplifted!  Born in Ecuador, raised traveling around the globe she is an enthusiastic citizen of the world and spiritual adventurer. She is a long-time Experienced Yoga Teacher (E-RYT) with over 10,000 hours of teaching experience, owned a yoga studio for 9 years and has been teaching and practicing yoga over the last 15 years after being run over by a car and using it to recover physically and emotionally. Silvia will be leading a Tuscan Adventure in Happiness week long retreat in June 2013 and an Amalfi Coast Wellness Adventure in July 2013 as well as offering her Alchemy of Yoga RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training in Costa Rica this August 2013. Silvia is currently writing a book about Prescriptions for Happiness and has a popular blog called Loving Your Life, along with producing her “Loving Your Day” videos. 

Connect with Silvia Mordini:

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the Art of Toes…

Toe Reading – David Dhanvantari Tietje and Leah Lila Misty

I had no idea anything like Toe Reading existed until this past February. My girlfriend and partner, Leah Misty and I were attending as presenters here at the Sedona Yoga Festival and she seemed quite excited about one class. I saw nothing else on the schedule that piqued my curiosity as much, and knowing this would be fun for her, we went. Lo and behold (a phrase my Father’s friend used to punctuate his stories with), I think I got way more excited about it than she did! The instructor was very enthusiastic, warm and hilarious and certainly held our attention. I remember feeling such love emanating through her and it was contagious.

toe readingKC Miller is her name and she is the author of “Toe Reading – Are You Walking Your Destined Path?” She was very generous and gave each person attending the class the introductory 16 hour course absolutely free. Leah and I registered for the online course soon after returning to Dallas. I had never taken an online course, except for Defensive Driving a few years ago.  Although we were excited, while downloading the materials for the class we almost didn’t get started because all the technical things seemed overwhelming  This was new territory for both of us and looking back I can say it really wasn’t that problematic, but it brought up stress and many feelings of inadequacy.

Then there were assignments and deadlines that brought more challenges, but I was determined to finish no matter what. Leah and I supported each other through the homework and I found my intuition and even a writing style I certainly would never have believed. We both felt energized, in sync with each other and thrilled we were on this path together.  Usually writing on a computer has always taken so much energy out of me because I seem to take so long getting my ideas out of my head and down on the page, but this time was different. I felt a sense of calm and the words flowed. Part of the homework was to comment on our classmates postings in a meaningful way which was difficult and at the same time brought out my creative side. This was a first for me and certainly a mind expanding opportunity. We even asked our Facebook friends to send pictures of their feet and this kept us busy practicing for a few weeks!

Maybe you are now curious about what exactly is this ‘Toe Reading’ thing I’m talking about? “It is the metaphysical understanding that the direction and formation of the toes are the physical printout of the path a person’s life has taken. The toes are one of our bodies depositories for stories and emotions. The energy of emotion changes the shape of the toes, especially if it is negative. A Toe Reader is someone who honors the stories coded in the toes and is spiritually and emotionally available to unlock the storyline stored in the cells of the body, specifically stored in the hologram of the toes.”

For example, if a persons right pinky toe and the fourth toe seem to look very connected, like maybe the pinky is hiding under the fourth, this may possibly mean this person is dependent upon a relationship for financial security. Why? Because the pinky toe is the Abundance/Prosperity toe and that fourth toe is all about Relationships. This is only one of the more obvious examples. “A trained toe reader listens and makes inquiries, quietly observe and senses the energy, and presents metaphoric connections. Toe Readers move the client to action by asking questions, propelling them to integration and healing.” The process is about listening, asking questions and having the client physically describe the shape and everything about their toes. Those descriptions are the key to understanding what is happening in your life, becoming aware of it and accepting the encouragement to embrace change.

‘Soul Coaching’ or Toe Reading Part 2 was scheduled for the end of July in Tempe, AZ at SWIHA, the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, which is the school KC Miller founded.  We signed up to attend and decided to take a road trip from our home in Dallas and also return to Sedona for a few days. (We fell in Love with Sedona, “ChocolaTree” particularly!) It was even more exciting than the online class, one reason being that when we arrived, KC was celebrating her 60th birthday and the whole school was invited. Leah and I got to thank her, sing Happy Birthday and also eat some cake with her and the wonderful staff at SWIHA. In the course, taught by Cheryl Speen (Amazing!) we learned how to use essential oils, and to trust our intuition when working with clients. On our last day we practiced Toe Reading on a complete stranger and it was definitely not as scary as I first thought. I felt very connected to this client almost as if we had known each other for years.

It is now just after Labor Day weekend and both of us have returned from Free Day of Yoga Dallas where we were set up to practice Toe Reading and Vedic Thai-Yoga Bodywork with other healers for short 15 minute sessions. We are doing these and other sessions to acquire our Master Toe Reading certificates. Leah has been getting more inquiries and sessions than me, but we also have a Toe Reading Party scheduled together for this month. The times we’ve worked together have been my favorite sessions because it seems we just get in sync, roll with it and have lots of fun. This has been the biggest, surprising, fun and rewarding journey that I’ve had in my adult life which seems to be happening to me even more often lately.

David Tietje 225x225When I started teaching yoga 17 years ago I began noticing other people’s feet. Some new students didn’t know that yoga is practiced in bare feet and we sometimes talked while I asked them to remove their shoes. I had to look at many different bodies and parts so I could let students know what to do with themselves. This is when I noticed the many different shapes, sizes of toes and of course all those feelings, positive and negative that I had. Some feet and toes I saw as appealing and others seemed very odd looking. I saw people the same way, and now realize that had nothing to do with their feet and everything to do with how I saw myself. Yes, I was a ‘Yoga teacher’ and I also wasn’t perfect as I believed I should have been. Now I am very O.K. with that.

Much Love and Happiness!

David ‘Dhanvantari’ Tietje
Vedic Thai-Yoga Massage
LMT 106542
Spiritual Healing Yoga

The Secret of the Yoga Sutra: A Q&A with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

The Secret of the Yoga Sutra: A Q&A with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait

After 35 years of teaching in the West, Sanskrit scholar and spiritual teacher Pandit Rajmani Tigunait has published his long-awaited commentary on the Yoga Sutra—the seminal text on yoga practice and philosophy. His new book, The Secret of the Yoga Sutra, is the first practitioner-oriented commentary that is fully grounded in the living tradition of the Himalayan masters. Tigunait, who is lecturing at Sedona Creative Life Center in Sedona, AZ on September 26, 2014 from 7pm as part of his 71- city lecture & book tour, recently welcomed our inquiry into the deeper dimensions of yoga and how to apply its ancient wisdom to your modern life.


YogaSutras_Cover_FinalQ: So what exactly is the Yoga Sutra?
PRT: The Yoga Sutra is a book of yoga philosophy. It is a book of practice. And it is a book of self-realization. It was written 2,200 years ago, when a great master named Patanjali gathered the best aspects of yoga and delineated, in a step-by-step fashion, exactly what yoga is and how to practice it.
Q: What can modern students learn from the Yoga Sutra?
PRT: When you practice the kind of yoga described in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, you will experience what it’s like to be healthy, happy, peaceful, confident, and energetic. The literal meaning of “yoga” is “union,” “integration,” “reconnection.” But in the context of practice, yoga is a way of gaining access to your own inner luminosity and becoming established in your essential self.
By studying the Yoga Sutra, you will learn how to cultivate a clear, calm, and tranquil mind; how to expand the immense power of your mind; and how to begin unveiling, layer after layer, the mysteries of the universe within you and outside you.
Q: Why are its teachings so crucial today?
PRT: Because the human mind is scattered. We have become negligent about our distractions, inertia, confusion, doubt, fear, and anger. But humans have been riding a roller coaster of ups and downs for thousands of years. The yoga tradition, which started at least 5,000 years ago and has continued without interruption, has recorded all of the problems that humans face, and the methods and techniques to overcome those problems. The Yoga Sutra contains the solutions.
Q: What role does asana play in yoga practice?
PRT: Asana is a very important part of life. It keeps you healthy, strong, and energetic. And it enables you to discover and reclaim the innate wisdom of your body. But it is only after you rediscover the self-luminous nature of your own mind that you will begin to experience the true power of asana. That discovery comes from the meditative aspect of yoga.
Q: What inspired you to publish a commentary on the Yoga Sutra after 35 years of teaching in the West?
PRT: The Yoga Sutra is a compendium of a vast field of knowledge and wisdom, techniques and methodologies for discovering our multi-dimensional life. It is the source wisdom for all schools and traditions of yoga. We need to bring the spiritual dimension back into yoga and encourage students to look for teachings and practices that will take them to the next level. That’s why I have realized that I should share whatever I have learned in the last 35 years through this commentary, The Secret of the Yoga Sutra, and by teaching and interacting with students.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish through your Secret of The Yoga Sutra book tour and courses?
PRT: My wish is that the Yoga Sutra brings the same level of transformation to other people as it did to me. In order to make that wish become a reality, my vision is to bring the Yoga Sutra to people’s doorsteps, making this knowledge available to them on many levels and from many perspectives [through a summer lecture & book tour, online study groups, and a four-part master course on the Yoga Sutra that students can take in person or online].
My vision is that the yoga community, the scientific community, the medical community, and the health community take from the Yoga Sutra what is useful for them, conduct more research, assimilate the knowledge into their existing practice, and take their own field of knowledge to the next level. My interest is to demonstrate and support how you can embrace the teachings of the Yoga Sutra in your own personal practice for self-improvement and self-empowerment; how you can accelerate your quest for total well-being and spiritual unfoldment.

For tickets to the September 26, 2014 event at Sedona Creative Life Center, click here. Hosted by SYF Presents.

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, is a modern-day master and living link to the unbroken Himalayan Tradition. He is the successor of Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas and the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute. As a leading voice of and the author of 15 books, his teachings offer practical guidance on applying yogic and tantric wisdom to modern life. Over the past 35 years, Pandit Tigunait has touched innumerable lives around the world as a teacher, humanitarian, and visionary spiritual leader.

Sedona Yoga Festival, a consciousness evolution conference

Sedona Spires smallBuilding on the tremendous success of their inaugural festival last year, organizers of the highly anticipated Sedona Yoga Festival are gearing up for another truly transformative event early next month. Thursday–Sunday, February 6–10, yogis and other conscious community members will flock to the quiet boulevards and soaring red rock canyons of Sedona for three days of yoga, music and energy work in the undisputed spiritual center of the American West.

For attendees, it’s an unprecedented opportunity for powerful personal growth—in a destination unlike any other. Unlike larger corporate-sponsorship yoga conferences, held in large central facilities with cavernous rooms and hundreds of attendees per class, the Sedona Yoga Festival schedule was developed specifically with the city’s quaint, homey atmosphere in mind. 200+ classes, workshops and events are sprinkled over 21 intimate local venues, with convenient shuttle service available and a variety of lodging options close at hand.

Presenter Cat Arena at Amara Resort

Presenter Cat Arena at Amara Resort

The flexible conference structure gives yogis the chance to weave their own experience in the richly colored cultural and natural tapestry of Sedona. Workshops and music are everywhere—spas, yoga studios, ballrooms, banquet halls, movie theaters, chapels and beyond. At the hub of this creative collective is Heart Center Village, a lively central gathering and registration area where participants can share the festival experience with yoga, healthy food and drink, conscious vendors, live music, listening lounges and a host of free, open-to-public activities.

The event’s esteemed faculty is widely varied and deeply experienced—and, befitting the destination, utterly down to Earth. Presenters were chosen not purely for their marquis-friendly names, but for the richly layered credentials, commitment to consciousness and unfailing authenticity that resonate in Sedona’s spiritually charged environment. Among them are acclaimed author/teacher Mark Whitwell, Yoga Journal Co-Founder Rama Vernon, Kundalini masters Ana Brett and Ravi Singh, best-selling spiritual author Sunny Dawn Johnston and more than 100 yogis, healers, artists, authors, musicians, shamans, scientists, philosophers and performers.

480496_394412060654744_427597229_nTogether, the festival’s 108 presenters will facilitate more than 200 classes, workshops and events, from Yoga Nidra to Ecstatic Dance and just about everything in between. Conference attendees are also encouraged to set aside time for the exploration and contemplation of their surroundings, which include some of the most breathtaking high desert landscapes in the world. With more than four million annual visitors, Sedona is a virtual mecca for hikers, bikers, artists and spiritual seekers. Rich in energy “vortexes,” the area has long been known for its inspiring, regenerative powers—making it the ideal place to take one’s practice to the next level.

“Sedona is such an inspirational place, and so closely aligned with the principles of any yogic, spiritual or consciousness practice. It seemed incredible that there wasn’t already a festival here—or indeed a cohesive yoga offering we could share with the world.” said Marc Titus, SYF Founder and Director. “We are so honored to be helping to fill that gap as we bring the yoga community hOMe to Sedona.” In keeping with the spirit of seva, SYF is donating a portion of conference proceeds to the Give Back Yoga Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting yoga teachers in the offering of service to their communities.

SYF2014 kicks off at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 6. click here for complete conference schedules or click here to purchase tickets.


Truth, Love, God – by SYF2014 Presenter Tymi Howard

       So the word “TRUTH” has been coming up a lot over the past week! I do not force one way (my way)on anyone… as I choose to believe that everyone’s truth can be different…that perspective comes into play.The practice of yoga puts us in the drivers seat as “Truth Seeker!”  Our truth can shift and change as we change (and hopefully evolve) especially in regards to relationships, and really isn’t it ALL about relationships…with ourselves, one another, our bodies, our spirits, our planet, our GOD!  With that being said, as a yogi the way in which we respond to each other never shifts and changes, it’s always from a place of  love. In yoga we practice “Ahimsa” (love, non-violence) and it is the first Yama. Ahimsa is considered the most important of the Yamas and Niyamas or “Ten Yogic Commandments” and most yogis believe that without the Yama and Niyamas there is no yoga…and as Dharma Mittra says, “NO YOGA, NO PEACE, KNOW YOGA, KNOW PEACE.”   As a  truth seeker,  I started by looking up the definition of TRUTH and this is what I found:

1. a archaic: fidelity, constancy

b: sincerity in action, character, and utterance

2. a (1): the state of being the case : fact (2): the body of real things, events, and facts : actuality (3)often capitalized: a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality

b: a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true <truths of thermodynamics>

c: the body of true statements and propositions

3. a: the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality

b:chiefly British: true 2

c: fidelity to an original or to a standard

4.capitalizedChristian Science: god

— in truth

: in accordance with fact : actually


noun (Concise Encyclopedia)

In philosophy, the property of statements, thoughts, or propositions that are said, in ordinary discourse, to agree with the facts or to state what is the case. At least four major types of truth theory have been proposed: correspondence theories (see realism), coherence theories (see coherentism, idealism), pragmatic theories (see pragmatism), and deflationary theories. The latter group encompasses a wide variety of views, including the redundancy theory, the disquotational theory, and the prosentential theory.

WOW! the word “theory” is used frequestly, along with “standard”, “actually” and then the heavy hitter God…so what is it? Is “TRUTH” a theory that has actually become your own personal standard? Your own personal God?

In the practice of yoga we use the word Satya (truthfulness) and it’s meaning:

Satya or Sathya is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates into English as “truth” or “correct”. It is a term of power due to its purity and meaning and has become the emblem of many peaceful social movements, particularly those centered on social justice, environmentalism and vegetarianism.

Sathya is also defined in Sanskrit as “sate hitam satyam” which translates to “The path to ultimate truth or Sat is sathya (i.e. the real truth)”.

Hence all the deeds, words, and wisdom that bring us closer to the Ultimate Truth are the truth.

Philosophical meaning

The philosophical meaning of the word ‘Satya’ is “unchangeable”, “that which has no distortion”, “that which is beyond distinctions of time, space, and person”, “that which pervades the universe in all its constancy.” Human life progresses through different stages—from childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to youth, and youth to old age. It is through these changes that people progress in the manifest world. That is why human life or its receptacle, the body, is not Satya.

In Hinduism, Truth is defined as “unchangeable”, “that which has no distortion”, “that which is beyond distinctions of time, space, and person”, “that which pervades the universe in all its constancy”. Human body, therefore is not completely true as it changes with time, for example. There are many references, properties and explanations of truth by Hindu sages that explain varied facets of truth, such as “Satyam eva jayate” (Truth alone wins), “Satyam muktaye” (Truth liberates), “Satya’ is ‘Parahit’artham’ va’unmanaso yatha’rthatvam’ satyam” (Satya is the benevolent use of words and the mind for the welfare of others or in other words responsibilities is truth too), “When one is firmly established in speaking truth, the fruits of action become subservient to him ( patanjali yogasutras, sutra number 2.36 ), “The face of truth is covered by a golden bowl. Unveil it, O Pusan (Sun), so that I who have truth as my duty (satyadharma) may see it!” (Brhadaranyaka V 15 1-4 and the brief IIsa Upanisad 15-18), Truth is superior to silence (Manusmriti), etc. Combined with other words, satya acts as modifier, like “ultra” or “highest,” or more literally “truest,” connoting purity and excellence. For example, satyaloka is the “highest heaven’ and Satya Yuga is the “golden age” or best of the four cyclical cosmic ages in Hinduism, and so on.

There is a more subtle meaning of the word, ‘Satya’, which is Citsvaru’pa (the Supreme consciousness) or Parama Purusha. In the field of Sadhana or intuitional practice, the meaning of ‘Satya’ is ‘Parahit’artham’ va’unmanaso yatha’rthatvam’ satyam i.e., Satya is the benevolent use of words and the mind for the welfare of others. This is to say that a benevolent sage must be truthful regardless of the meaning of satya.

The accepted interpretation however, is “the Truth which equals love.” This concept of truth is not merely a synonym of fact or correctness, but is more metaphysical, like the difference between brain and mind. This ‘bigger picture’ notion of truth implies a higher order, a higher principle or a higher knowledge. Satya is what one becomes aware of upon becoming a Bodhi (enlightened or awakened person). Thus, this is more akin to the sum of the rules of the universe or the universal reality. This idea of a universal reality is common in Eastern philosophy.

So, let me give the cliff noted version of all of this so far…. ok Truth is God, God is Love so it seems that we can not seperate the three…Truth, God and LOVE! That seems so simple and easy, so why do we continue to fight over varying ideas of TRUTH, when we should always do the loving thing, which would be the Godly thing, which in essence would be the TRUTH. If the Truth is never changing, always constant…then it seems always doing the loving thing would be a SURE THING.

Ok, moving on..

Combined with other words, satya acts as modifier, like “ultra” or “highest,” or more literally “truest,” connoting purity and excellence. For example, satyaloka is the “highest heaven’ and Satya Yuga is the “golden age” or best of the four cyclical cosmic ages in Hinduism.

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, it is written, “When one is firmly established in speaking truth, the fruits of action become subservient to him.”[1] According to Paramahamsa Yogananda, “During deep, dreamless sleep (sushupti), and in the samadhi meditation of the yogi, man abides in his true nature, the soul, and cognizes Absolute Truth (Paramarthika). It is a mistake to think that ordinary persons are never in communion with God or the Ultimate Truth. If all men did not occasionally pass into the state of deep, dreamless sleep, even if only for a period of minutes, they could not live at all. The average person has no conscious recollection of his soul experiences; but, as a part of the Universal Whole, from time to time he must replenish his being from the Source of Life, Love, and Truth.” [2]

If you made it this far, you may have gotten more than you bargained for in this blog entry, thank you for sticking with me…as we continue to follow this truth seeking path together and separately, may we both remember, AHIMSA, SATYA and Ishvara pranidhana (Surrender to God) ~ <3

I look forward to sharing my practice with everyone at THE SEDONA YOGA FESTIVAL!

 February 6-10, 2014

10% OFF!! use CODE: TYMI

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JOY TRAINING ~ it ain’t for wimps by Marguerite Baca

If it weren’t for all those OTHER people, life would be good. Life, we project so many conditions on it. I would almost pity life for the bad rap it gets, but life is ongoing, no matter what we think about it.

While growing up we are molded, shaped, sometimes wounded emotionally and physically, being most profoundly affected by family – biological and non-biological. We are incessantly bombarded by worldly news of scams, scandals, suppression and corruption. The media perpetuates anticipation of worst case scenarios. The news anchor announces at 7:00 p.m., “Tune in to catch the latest fear infused breaking news at 11:00 p.m.” These insidious impressions make it easy to slide down the slippery slope of indignation, divisiveness, cynicism, and self righteousness. We’re invited, “Join now. Become a worldwide member of the Up In Arms Club, with its affiliate branches, Bent Out Of Shape, Up On My Soap Box and Ruffled Feathers.”

These external influences train(ed) us, with mutually unspoken messages and agreements. Some messages are warm and supportive, others, derogatory and suppressive. Our familial and societal acculturation affects our capacity for perceiving and receiving life’s blessings. I had enough fortitude and support to be fruitfully productive for years, yet, I had also internalized the suppressive saboteur archetype, hampering my own joy. I used to allow these types who perpetuated that vibration, into my world. Bubble busters, as well as, kind, supportive people can be found in men and women, all religions, socio-economic classes, political parties, and ethnicities. I used to make myself a dim wit, erroneously thinking that by diminishing my light, I would ease the discomfort of those unaware of their own internal source. That is what I was trained to believe. Eventually, I realized that suppressive people usually seek their power from controlling others. Now, I just move on, managing my energy for enjoying life and serving others.


I train daily. Life’s just more fun that way. Knowing the guaranteed results of joy training, I eagerly meditate, daily. This training reveals the impervious joy and continuity of peace that is, always right here, within. The self-honesty that is required; acknowledging internalized pettiness from self or others, is an acquired taste, not always easy to face. Reviewing what I am accepting and rejecting into my consciousness is a full time job. But, in the long run, doing the time saves time, bringing about a mindful, efficient flow.


Feeling emotions as they surface sets them free. Otherwise, they remain as physical discomforts, distracting from joy. If ancient hurts have been deeply buried, grieving can feel like a bottomless pit. Acknowledging painful emotions does not preclude feeling peace. Feeling them is the way through them. Being present with all, increases discernment, assisting in expressing thoughtful responses, rather than destructive emotional reactions. Eventually, tears of sorrow are replaced with tears so full with the richness of life that more meditation feels necessary, for integrating the prolific beauty being perceived. Then, the internal and external saboteurs are suddenly outnumbered. They don’t stand a chance.

Life, it turns out, is good, no matter what we think.


1. Meditate daily (start easy, with a timer if necessary)
2. Conscious Breathing (use counts until you develop focus)
3. Track limiting/derogatory thoughts (breathe through, dissolve, and release)
4. Surround yourself with affirmative people, language, objects
5. Do enjoyable exercise to increase endorphins
6. Set your own pleasurable pace for practicing these tips
7. Forgive yourself when you slip
8. Be grateful for the privilege of learning and the pleasure of serving

~ Marguerite Baca


marguerite copy


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