Journey Back Home by Dulce Ruby

Journey Back Home by Dulce Ruby

There’s this beautiful turning point…

in all of our lives where everything begins to click for us. Anything that is no longer resonating with our frequency, serving higher good or purpose, just seems to just dissipate and be no more – while everything we dreamt would be, IS, and we begin creating/manifesting so many more opportunities to live a fantasy-like reality & dream even bigger.

Dulce Ruby Meditation in Sedona AZA few years ago, I was cruising through the commencement of this very point in my life (my awakening if you will). I had a clear knowing that I no longer wished to live in big cities modeling and aiming for fame, and meditation was beginning to take over my life (and trust me, no complaints!).  It was then that I was driven to the idea to go on a life-long journey; but first, I just ‘had to’ make my way back home to Arizona, head north and be present at the Sedona Yoga Festival. It’s funny how that works, isn’t it? How one thing, idea or mission turns out to be so perfectly aligned with all else – as if by divine timing, or destiny.

Having manifested the trip, made my way and aligned with the coordinators (Marc, Heather as well as Stephanie), I felt at peace and knew this was solely the beginning of so much more to come into fruition.  The vision was there, it had always been. I love Arizona – it’s home and it’s magical – but even more so – Sedona is a place I can escape to & discover more of my Self and of the Universe, with each visit bringing to life new parts of mySelf and shining light on different aspects which need cleansing, healing, balancing, focus or simply… Peace & Love.

In short, am completely at awe with the energy Sedona holds, and as I was here amongst many others who too felt it’s pull – I knew one day, and soon, I would return to amplify that very energy.

As mentioned, I crossed paths with beautiful Souls whom I completely loved from the moment of introduction.  Everything at Sedona Yoga Festival was what I wanted to do, be a part of, and BE. There were so many things going on throughout the weekend that lured me in – from yoga, meditations, healing, lectures, film screenings – this was it! I felt I had ‘found my calling’ and purpose a bit prior to then, but furthermore – and when I left that weekend, I left shining, brighter, inspired and DRIVEN to come back again with something to offer, gift and spread. That was the mission, and so the journey began…

PIPO Change The World CampaignLife and the Universe conspired/happened soon after, and before you knew it I had started a brilliant Self-Development Program online for meditation through Peace Revolution (a project under the World Peace Initiative Foundation).   After completing the initial 42 day Self-Development Program that they offer online (free of charge!), felt beyond connected. I knew this had fallen into my life and path for something beyond that in which could be seen at this moment, and had a continuous strong feeling & knowing to fully confirm that very notion.

From then on, my meditative practice continued to evolve, and my drive & determination towards wishing to be a part of something so beautiful kept expanding.  Having gone through the application process once before, knew there was still reasoning behind my desire for involvement. Applied to join in on their fellowship where ‘Peace Rebels’ then become ‘Peace Agents’, and this is what manifested…

I spent a few weeks in an intense (but pure & life-altering) meditation retreat and training with our beloved teaching Buddhist monks in Thailand.  Joined together with 29 others from different countries all over the earth, it was an experience unlike any other I had yet had. Our days began before the sun rose; we meditated to welcome in the day, and did yoga upon sunrise at the scenic view to welcome in the Light & Life. We bonded, took in lectures, did activities – all of which taught us valuable lessons – and of course, more and more meditations throughout the day. So much peace was harvested, grown and prepared to be shared as we all channeled to our purpose of spreading sustainable world peace.

Dulce Ruby As the weeks past by, and my practice which had been put into motion for years now grew even more still & bright – I knew this was home.  Beyond the beautiful views, people, energy and values – Peace Revolution, this group of people & organization, were precisely what and where I wished to be – and I was – and it all came together.  I was going to be sure I was a big part of this project, and I was going to bring it with me as this ‘home’ was not a location, but more so a feeling of belonging, love of Self and others… this was PEACE.

Weeks, months, and now years, passed. Travels to India to visit His Holiness for teachings, Mother Theresa’s House and tomb for further study and research, Swami Sivananda’s Divine Life Society, cleansings, more teachings, International Yoga Festival, Holi, temples upon temples – visits to sacred spaces and places all over the world to meditate and absorb all of the beautiful energy to eventually come back to reciprocate, reflect and share with the world – it all came down to this very moment, our NOW.

CHAKRAMV2mount Now here I am, grateful to announce and tell you all of the beautiful alignment which has come to be.  I reached out to Sedona Yoga Festival not too long ago (after having been away on my personal journey since our last crossing), and told them all about my visions, and wishes to join forces of positivity, light and love for PEACE – and of course, they are all in!  We have now joined together and begun to organize in bringing what shall be the very first Peace In Peace Out (PIPO) event to the United States of America, and will be having a Global Peace Meditation this coming year at SYF!

Am so excited and am ever so grateful for all of the magic that has come, and that shall be – thank you ALL for being here, now, with us. Do hope to see you all in person soon, raise vibrations & hold frequency together to aid in bringing world peace, home.

From my journey, heart & Soul, to your own – may we see that we are all One.

See you in the stars…
Dulce Ruby


Meet Dulce Ruby

Blast from the Past, Paving the way to the 2016 Sedona Yoga Festival

Blast from the Past, Paving the way to the 2016 Sedona Yoga Festival

Marc and Heather Pondering

That’s us… Pondering… Well, I am Pondering, Heather is looking cool. On our way to another EPICasana experience at SYF2016!

Every year, as we deepen the experience of the Sedona Yoga Festival, there comes that time when we sit and ponder how it all began and where we are today.  SYF has become an event not to miss; it has marked the transformation of many a yogi these past 3 years.  In the beginning we saw an epic experience, situated in the Heart of Sedona, AZ that cradled the participant in the healing energetics and allowed for a truly transformative experience. Well, the Sedona Yoga Festival has become that and much, much more. 

The 2016 Sedona Yoga Festival is rapidly becoming THE yoga festival to attend next year. Whether you have never done yoga or you have practiced meditation and asana your whole life, there will be something for YOU!  Save the Dates and/or get your tickets at Early-Bird Pricing now because you will not want to miss out on this. Some big announcements are coming shortly, but for now, just cruise through the website to see what is coming so far… We have added little bits and pieces, so you yogi sleuths out there can start to imagine just how awesomenasana SYF2016 is shaping up to be.

We’ll leave you with a big blast from the past; Yogini Silvia Mordini honors us with her experience of the inaugural SYF2013.  See ya in the ethers, dear friends.

Marc & Heather

First Penguins at Sedona Yoga Festival

February 8, 2013. Feels a little bit like the first day at a brand new school. Starting today, I am presenting at the Sedona Yoga Festival to a whole new group of yogis. It is my first time teaching in Arizona (although I’ve taken many a workshop/training here in my Anusara days).

As always before teaching, my thoughts turn to how will I best touch the hearts and minds of my students.  What will they think? Will they understand me? Regardless of your experience, Yoga Teachers still get nervous. I may have over 11,000 hours of teaching experience but today will be my first hour in the teacher’s seat at this first ever Festival!

One of my biggest strengths is my humanness. After leading 15 RYT200 Teacher Trainings, I work hard to keep myself off the pedestal and keep things real. I am imperfect, fallible, sometimes quirky, certainly silly, and a bit earnest when it comes to manifesting happiness. Being born in Ecuador to an Italian father and Ecuadorian mother only adds to my uniqueness.

yoga2If you know anyone in Sedona coming to the festival, applaud them! They—like me—are First Penguins. The first penguin is a term coined by the late Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch who offered his last lecture there when he was dying of cancer. Here is one of his key pieces of advice: Be the first penguin.  “I encouraged students to attempt hard things and not to worry about failing…failure is not just acceptable, it’s often essential.”

Pausch rewarded his students who took the biggest risk with a stuffed penguin representing how when a group of penguins takes to the water, one of them has to take the FIRST plunge.  If that penguin survives in the potentially predator filled, dangerous water, then the other penguins follow.

I am grateful to everyone involved with Sedona Yoga Festival. It is heroic to manifest—from nothing—an entire yoga festival, replete with teachers, searchers and healers from all over the world. To every single attendee, presenter, volunteer, and staff, I present you the First Penguin Award!  Thank You Silvia!!!

You are magnificent and your courage to jump into the water not knowing what will happen is inspiring. And that is why I am proud to be involved—even if I am also a bit nervous.

To those who are considering doing something that really scares you this year, be encouraged.  Manifest your biggest dream! The world needs more First Penguins in yoga, in art, in science, in relationships, in life.  Love yourself, love your day, love your life! Silvia


ABOUT SILVIA MORDINI, Happiness Coach, Yogipreneur, lululemon ambassador, manduka ambassador

Enthusiasm to love your life is contagious around Silvia.  Her expert passion connects people to their own joyful potential.  Silvia lives her happiness in such a big way that you can’t help but leave her classes, workshops, trainings and retreats spiritually uplifted!  Born in Ecuador, raised traveling around the globe she is an enthusiastic citizen of the world and spiritual adventurer. She is a long-time Experienced Yoga Teacher (E-RYT) with over 10,000 hours of teaching experience, owned a yoga studio for 9 years and has been teaching and practicing yoga over the last 15 years after being run over by a car and using it to recover physically and emotionally. Silvia will be leading a Tuscan Adventure in Happiness week long retreat in June 2013 and an Amalfi Coast Wellness Adventure in July 2013 as well as offering her Alchemy of Yoga RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training in Costa Rica this August 2013. Silvia is currently writing a book about Prescriptions for Happiness and has a popular blog called Loving Your Life, along with producing her “Loving Your Day” videos. 

Connect with Silvia Mordini:

Web: or

Email at

Twitter @alchemytours @inspiredyogagal

Facebook Silvia Mordini (

The sky is blue… but all I see is grey.

The sky is blue… but all I see is grey.

Click HERE for the latest blog – “Magic Portal, Winter Solstice”




shoes in sedona

My shoes hiking in Sedona Nov 2014.


This is where I live, and all I see is grey… My body pulses with electricity like current that activates every fiber of my being. My mind begins to panic, yet it, receiving stimulus from my senses, should be reporting to me that everything is ok;  there is no threat.

Then why do I just want to explode out of my body, so tense… ready for action, taut as a wire and pulsed to manage… something. 

Carson Helicopter Crash - Iron 44

Iron 44 Crash Site (Aug 2008)

But, there is no threat. No something… just the grey, foggy, unreal reflection of what my eyes are seeing at that moment.  Today, the tears came again finally when talking to a former colleague about the worst aviation fatality incident in wildland fire history.  Iron 44.  To me, it matters, yet the story is not necessary to tell.  It was traumatic, stressful and life threatening.  It involved fellow firefighters (9) perishing in the line of duty, in a horrible way.  There was chaos and confusion.  It all happened in an instant and the aftermath begins.  Hundreds of people counting on me, depending on me to keep my shit together… So, I did.

And so does each and every First Responder, Police Officer, Wildland Firefighter, EMT, Paramedic, and all the likes… Volunteer or paid, these men and woman are the front lines of this countries community safety and well-being, risking life and limb, BAKER-1 new MikeJohnson InciWeb Largerplacing themselves in harms way, so that others may come through, whatever the threat may be.  These people give all of themselves in selfless service; putting mind, body and spirit through enormous amounts of stress, trauma, fatigue, and physical and emotional extremes.  These are our countries unsung heroes; veterans in service of managing domestic incidents.

In the line of duty, each and every service has it’s own very unique and distinctive threats and situations that personnel must deal with, along with the things that they will see and experience.  Most people not in these lines of work, will likely have no idea what these men and woman face each day and the things they must do in order to do the work and keep their shit together.  But, that will only matter if you choose to serve them and you begin to see the anguish and pain in their eyes.  Then, empathy will be your friend and allow you to guide these fragmented beings into a place of peace.

signs-and-symptoms-of-ptsdI can now officially say, I have suffered from PTSD.  It has had a debilitating effect on my life, relationships, work… absolutely every aspect of life.  I have experienced anxiety and panic attacks that have put me to my knees.  I have had suicidal thoughts and put away sharp objects.  It is very, very real.  And, at the same time, it isn’t.  I haven’t been on an incident in over 2 years and it has been 6 years since Iron 44.  Every day stresses can put me over the edge and I have come to find out, that when that happens, something occurs in my neurophysiology that makes me believe I am back there, where the real stress and trauma happened.  In that instant, now and then becomes a reality that at times, I can witness and talk myself through.  Others, I can’t and then it is freak out city…

No human being should have to experience this… No One should have to wonder each day if today’s the day I lose it… Hurt my family, my friends… Loved ones.

images-5Will today be a good day or a bad day… Will something trigger me and I lose track to where I am… That there is no danger right now… Yet all my physiology is reporting to my messed up mind is DANGER… And my body knows no different.

I can’t tell you how disturbing it is… How powerless and lost it makes me feel. And how enormous the climb out of this pit of despair looks…

That is the conundrum… Life goes on… Passing me by.

So, here’s the thing: the efficacy of Yoga, Meditation and other mindfulness practices as treatment and prevention has been beyond proven in our scientific community, as well as described in the ancient texts of this thousands of years old science.  Whether known, diagnosed or not, our community service men and woman are, will or have a strong likelihood to experience some form of Post-Traumatic Stress and its related illnesses and mood disorders.  Having experienced first hand the devastating effects this issue can have on peoples lives, on families and communities, I strongly believe that no one should have to suffer from these cumulative stresses that have such profound effects on the human body, mind and spirit.


Program Director, Olivia Kvitne

We have the ability to manage this; there are many tools available, most rooted in Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness.  We have the infinite ability to heal.  Our bodies, minds and spirit ,life itself, imbibed through form known as I… This is an energetic fact.  As the sky is Blue, Mark Whitwell would say. Undeniable.  So, how do we get there?  “This training bridges the gap between the yoga community and a population that may not have considered yoga as an effective and accessible tool to address their needs,” says Olivia Kvitne, Program Director of this year’s SYF Gives Back training.  “I am proud to bring together top authorities in psychology, neuroscience and trauma-sensitive yoga to create a down-to-earth and science-based yoga system that can benefit our nation’s everyday heroes.”

But, how weird is that?  There can be resistance from this population, so used to suppressing and muscling through.

Exec. Dir. GBYF, Rob Schware

Exec. Dir. GBYF, Rob Schware

Rob Schware, Executive Director of Give Back Yoga Foundation says, “No one should feel weird about doing yoga, especially first responders who experience injury, trauma, and death.  This is the first intensive training to mobilize hundreds of yoga teachers and yoga therapists to come out of their studios and offices and bring their knowledge and skills into police and fire departments.

So, again, here’s the thing: there is no “my trauma is better/worse than your trauma…”  or “just power through it…”  or “it can’t happen to me…”  or “I’m Fine…”  Cause matters not.  Trauma and stress-inducing incidents, that often involve actual life threat create the same physiological response.  And, therein, lies the solution.

warrior_poseOne faculty member, Bhava Ram aka Brad Willis, is a former award winning network news war correspondent.  A broken back ended his career.  After a subsequent diagnosis of terminal cancer he embraced mind/body/spirit medicine and the deeper sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda, through which he ultimately healed against all odds.  As a yoga teacher he now shares the message that we all have the inner power to heal.  “As one who was on the front lines of conflicts and crises in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and Central America, I can attest to the fact that yoga gave me the strength to lift myself out of an abyss of profound physical and mental anguish and ultimately find new meaning and purpose in life.”

Marc at Mt Rainer

Me… back in the day, Mt Rainier NP, WA. (hiking in because 10 minutes earlier we almost crashed at the helispot…)

I am getting better.  Over the years in service there were perhaps 100’s of close calls, life threats, death, trauma and stress, I just buried it all, apparently.  I have sought help and receive enormous support from my family, friends and community.  I have personally experienced the wisdom and guidance of Bhava Ram and with his, and many others assistance am making progress.  There is a solution… and I invite you to please share, comment, post, repost, talk about in your community and in general send out the blessings to these men and woman who put it on the line for us… May we never forget.

Marc Titus, Founder & Director
Sedona Yoga Festival
Former Wildland Firefighter & Aviation Manager on a SW Area Type 1 Incident Management Team




the Art of Toes…

Toe Reading – David Dhanvantari Tietje and Leah Lila Misty

I had no idea anything like Toe Reading existed until this past February. My girlfriend and partner, Leah Misty and I were attending as presenters here at the Sedona Yoga Festival and she seemed quite excited about one class. I saw nothing else on the schedule that piqued my curiosity as much, and knowing this would be fun for her, we went. Lo and behold (a phrase my Father’s friend used to punctuate his stories with), I think I got way more excited about it than she did! The instructor was very enthusiastic, warm and hilarious and certainly held our attention. I remember feeling such love emanating through her and it was contagious.

toe readingKC Miller is her name and she is the author of “Toe Reading – Are You Walking Your Destined Path?” She was very generous and gave each person attending the class the introductory 16 hour course absolutely free. Leah and I registered for the online course soon after returning to Dallas. I had never taken an online course, except for Defensive Driving a few years ago.  Although we were excited, while downloading the materials for the class we almost didn’t get started because all the technical things seemed overwhelming  This was new territory for both of us and looking back I can say it really wasn’t that problematic, but it brought up stress and many feelings of inadequacy.

Then there were assignments and deadlines that brought more challenges, but I was determined to finish no matter what. Leah and I supported each other through the homework and I found my intuition and even a writing style I certainly would never have believed. We both felt energized, in sync with each other and thrilled we were on this path together.  Usually writing on a computer has always taken so much energy out of me because I seem to take so long getting my ideas out of my head and down on the page, but this time was different. I felt a sense of calm and the words flowed. Part of the homework was to comment on our classmates postings in a meaningful way which was difficult and at the same time brought out my creative side. This was a first for me and certainly a mind expanding opportunity. We even asked our Facebook friends to send pictures of their feet and this kept us busy practicing for a few weeks!

Maybe you are now curious about what exactly is this ‘Toe Reading’ thing I’m talking about? “It is the metaphysical understanding that the direction and formation of the toes are the physical printout of the path a person’s life has taken. The toes are one of our bodies depositories for stories and emotions. The energy of emotion changes the shape of the toes, especially if it is negative. A Toe Reader is someone who honors the stories coded in the toes and is spiritually and emotionally available to unlock the storyline stored in the cells of the body, specifically stored in the hologram of the toes.”

For example, if a persons right pinky toe and the fourth toe seem to look very connected, like maybe the pinky is hiding under the fourth, this may possibly mean this person is dependent upon a relationship for financial security. Why? Because the pinky toe is the Abundance/Prosperity toe and that fourth toe is all about Relationships. This is only one of the more obvious examples. “A trained toe reader listens and makes inquiries, quietly observe and senses the energy, and presents metaphoric connections. Toe Readers move the client to action by asking questions, propelling them to integration and healing.” The process is about listening, asking questions and having the client physically describe the shape and everything about their toes. Those descriptions are the key to understanding what is happening in your life, becoming aware of it and accepting the encouragement to embrace change.

‘Soul Coaching’ or Toe Reading Part 2 was scheduled for the end of July in Tempe, AZ at SWIHA, the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, which is the school KC Miller founded.  We signed up to attend and decided to take a road trip from our home in Dallas and also return to Sedona for a few days. (We fell in Love with Sedona, “ChocolaTree” particularly!) It was even more exciting than the online class, one reason being that when we arrived, KC was celebrating her 60th birthday and the whole school was invited. Leah and I got to thank her, sing Happy Birthday and also eat some cake with her and the wonderful staff at SWIHA. In the course, taught by Cheryl Speen (Amazing!) we learned how to use essential oils, and to trust our intuition when working with clients. On our last day we practiced Toe Reading on a complete stranger and it was definitely not as scary as I first thought. I felt very connected to this client almost as if we had known each other for years.

It is now just after Labor Day weekend and both of us have returned from Free Day of Yoga Dallas where we were set up to practice Toe Reading and Vedic Thai-Yoga Bodywork with other healers for short 15 minute sessions. We are doing these and other sessions to acquire our Master Toe Reading certificates. Leah has been getting more inquiries and sessions than me, but we also have a Toe Reading Party scheduled together for this month. The times we’ve worked together have been my favorite sessions because it seems we just get in sync, roll with it and have lots of fun. This has been the biggest, surprising, fun and rewarding journey that I’ve had in my adult life which seems to be happening to me even more often lately.

David Tietje 225x225When I started teaching yoga 17 years ago I began noticing other people’s feet. Some new students didn’t know that yoga is practiced in bare feet and we sometimes talked while I asked them to remove their shoes. I had to look at many different bodies and parts so I could let students know what to do with themselves. This is when I noticed the many different shapes, sizes of toes and of course all those feelings, positive and negative that I had. Some feet and toes I saw as appealing and others seemed very odd looking. I saw people the same way, and now realize that had nothing to do with their feet and everything to do with how I saw myself. Yes, I was a ‘Yoga teacher’ and I also wasn’t perfect as I believed I should have been. Now I am very O.K. with that.

Much Love and Happiness!

David ‘Dhanvantari’ Tietje
Vedic Thai-Yoga Massage
LMT 106542
Spiritual Healing Yoga

The day has arrived!! We are just waiting for you!

Time sure does fly quickly when you’re having fun! We are all working hard with stellar smiles on our faces and stars in our eyes as all the angels arrive and congregate to get this festival ready for you to arrive and delight in the experience of your transformation.

As you can see from the schedule above, we have a lot more going on than the festival itself. There are lots of free things for the community to participate in at the Heart Center Vendor Village.

If you are attending the festival, this will be the location that you check-in for registration. To help that process go smoother, we ask that you print out your ticket for easy scanning.

Please bring your yoga mat, your shining faces, an open heart, and a clear mind!


Our Opening Experience  is taking place–THIS EVENING at 6:30 p.m. in the Heart Center Vendor Village. If you haven’t already, please take a look at the beautiful work-of-art that just so happens to be our program, where you will find schedules, maps, local information and helpful guides moving through the festival. To view the program, click here. 


Much like a heart, the Heart Center Vendor Village has a flow and rhythm that moves in and out of the vendor’s huts, registration, John Soderberg’s sculpting studio, the outdoor stage, around a pond and

reaching out to the limbs of free yoga classes, local eats and areas to breathe. Bundle up and get familiar with the yoga community that is already forming around us all to create that beautiful lift and rise of consciousness.



toga isStarting at 7 p.m. Friday night at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre, filmmaker Suzanne Bryant presents her film, “YOGA IS a Transformational Journey”  . Through this journey, Suzanne meets the most prominent Yoga Gurus and teachers in the west and travels to India to explore the power of this ancient practice. Along the way she discovers what YOGA IS. Be sure not to miss her Tea Time Fireside chat on Sunday at L’Auberge Cottage from 3:30pm to 5:00 p.m.












Chris Spheeris  will moderate Friday evening where he will show his short film, “Facets of Infinity” that has been ten years in the making. A collection of stills of cacti and succulents folding into mandalas and kaleidoscopes come alive in the perfect setting of Sedona. Be sure not to miss his other offerings, including his inspirational workshop, “All you have to do is Listen” .

Facets of infinity

A walk through our stunning venues-words and photos by SYF’s Executive Assistant, Jeness May

Amara Resort and Spa
Amara Resort and Spa

We are proud to work with many sensational Sedona venues and after taking the final walk-throughs and measurements, we couldn’t help but share the exquisite beauty that honors Sedona in all of her glory. Each location holds an incredible space for transformation, growth, imagination, exploration and creativity.

Come take a look with us and plan your SYF2014 Transformation!!

Salt water hot tub burrowed in the salt water infinity pool nestled cozily above the creek at Amara Resort and Spa. Here you can catch Pamela Quinn’s Ayurvedic workshops, Barbara Matsura’s Qigong’s Ba Duan Jin classes, and Robert Sturman’s Yoga Photography classes.




Heather admiring one of John's many phenomenal bronze sculptures that highlight the  Sedona Creative Life Center.
Heather admiring one of John’s many phenomenal bronze sculptures that highlight the Sedona Creative Life Center.




Sedona Creative Life Center. Dedicated to creativity, fulfillment, growth and coming together in a diverse spiritual community for personal spiritual advancement, the Creative Life Center offers magical views of Sedona, beautiful spaces to gather and lifting rooms for learning. Home of our Mindful Therapeutic Yoga Practices for Veteran’s 2-day Intensive Training for Yoga Teachers,  You’ll get to enjoy a healing meditative sonic journey on  Saturday evening with East Forest from 7pm-10pm. Mark Whitwell presents Sunday morning as we move into Sarah McLean’s Meditation Gathering for World Peace at 1pm.







7 Centers Yoga


Start your mornings off right at 7 Centers Yoga Arts. Each morning there will be a Morning Sunrise Agni Hotra and Meditation at 7am with Ruth Hartung.  There are many fulfilling classes here, Shelly Prosko’s  “Happy Hearts Healthy Backs”, Liz Tucker’s “Bhavana in Motion” and Julia Mick’s “Biology of Ecstasy”. Sunday sit with Rama Jyoti Vernon for the World Peace Meditation at 1pm as Sarah McLean leads the broadcast Live to the World!







SYF 2014 Staff hard at work visualizing the magic and music that will unfold at the Sedona Rouge Hotel and Space. Starting Friday off, we have Barbara Matsuura’s “Sheng Zhen Gong, Unconditional Love Practice”, Saturday Stephanie Colletti gets our chakras dancing in her, “A SOULful , Whole-Being Healing Experience” and Sunday, Ana Brett and Ravi Singh encourages us to balance those crucial “glandular go-getters” in their, “Happy Hormones: Kundanlini Yoga” class with live gong music!





Agave's Terrace
Agave’s Terrace

Agave of Sedona is walking distance from our thriving Heart Center Vendor Village and home to one of the most breath-taking views here in West Sedona. Himalayan Institute’s Luke Ketterhagen will be teaching his class, “Agni Sara, The Master Practice”  here, where you are sure to become the energy, light and transformative qualities of fire in this strengthening class. Finishing Friday off,  Marguerite Baca will have us laughing, dancing with Outlaw Yoga and spinning fire with SYF’s Artistic Director, Matthew Hunsaker and tribe! This is where I’ll be Friday night, for sure!!


That’s just a few venues for now! Stay tuned for more visually stimulating captures that will be caught by our team of photographers and active participants!





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Important! Check your email to confirm your email address so we can stay in touch!

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